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33602 is a zip code located in Tampa Florida in Hillsborough County. Popular neighborhoods in 33602 include Downtown Tampa, Channelside, Harbour Island, and the up and coming Tampa Heights.
According to the US Census Bureau, the estimated population was estimated at 14,151 in 2016.
The average sale price was $417,493 in 2019, up from $289,910 in 2017!
33602 is known for it’s high-end condo communities including Sky Point, Grand Central at Kennedy, Parkcrest, Harbour Court, Plaza Harbour Island, and Towers of Channelside.
Hot spots in this zip code include the Amalie Arena where you can catch a Tampa Bay Lightning game or attend a concert.
Other parks include Curtis Hixon Park, Waterworks Park, and the ever-expanding Tampa River Walk.
There has been a renewed interest in museums and fine arts including the recent addition of the Glaser Childrens Musueam, The Florida Aquarium, and Straz Center for the Arts.
Some of our favorite restaurants 33602 include Ulele, Fly Bar and Restaurant, Cafe Dufrain, Malios, Bizou Brasserie, and CWs Gin Joint.
Larger halls for food and entertainment include Hall on Franklin and Amature Works.
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