Palma Ceia and Palma Ceia West are neighborhood located in South Tampa, Florida just southwest of Downtown Tampa. The Palma Ceia zip code is 33629. The Average Sales Price in Palma Ceia was $465,333 in 2017.

The area is known for its brick lined streets, charming bungalow homes, and A+ rated schools in the HB Plant Highschool District.

The neighborhood boarders Hyde Park, Golfview, Bayshore Beautiful, and Virginia Park. Boundaries of Palma Ceia and Palma Ceia West are determined by streets which include South of Prospect Ave, West of MacDill Ave and The Lee Roy Selmon Expressway, East of Lois Ave, and North of El Prado. Bay to Bay Blvd. is centrally located in the middle.

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Palma Ceia is one of the oldest neighborhoods in the area and began development around 1919. The Palma Ceia meaning comes from the Developer Tom Palmer who wanted to create an exotic sounding community. He named the streets after exact streets in Old Havana, Cuba.

The Palma part was inspired by Palmer’s last name. The Ciea part is said to be inspired by the word “Cielo” which translates from Spanish to sky or heavenly.

Popular Locations

Popular spots include the Palma Ceia Golf and Country Club and Palma Ceia Park. It is also in close proximity to Bayshore Boulevard, one of the world’s longest continuing waterfront sidewalk.

Popular Palma Ceia Restaurants include Wrights Gourmet, the Lure, Datz, Cru Cellars, Pinky’s Diner, and Pane Rustica.

Nearby grocery stores include Publix, World Market, and Palma Ceia Village Health Market.


The area is known for A+ schools and is located in the HB Plant High school District. The Palma Ceia Elementary School is Roosevelt and the Middle School is Coleman. There are also a wide variety of private schools such as Palma Ceia United Methodist Church Day School, and the Palma Ceia Presbyterian Day School.

Where Is Palma Ceia Tampa?

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